segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

by Jim Dollar

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009


We create everything that happens to us.

We attract or we are attracted to the people, events, and experiences that we need to growth.
See in everything and everyone that you encounter, and every experience that you have, that it is a reflection of what's going on inside you. Then you can begin to correct the problems you are having in your relationship to yourself.

You can begin to change. You can begin to heal the parts that don't work. And you can begin to expand and express and allow the things that are working best for you to come forth.

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009


Que estranhos caminhos percorremos em silêncio por dentro de nós, no manso devaneio de um sonho acordado?
Que mundo privilegiado é esse onde o Tempo se perdeu, e o devaneio se desenha serenamente num sorriso na face exangue?
Para onde vamos quando estamos sós no meio das palavras, no burburinho incessante das multidões eléctricas de néons insones?
Porque contamos os passos, as pedras das calçadas, as nuvens etéreas que os céus evaporam, e os dias que se desfiam sem parar, para de novo se fiar?
Que mundo paralelo é esse onde também habito, que me abraça sôfrego quando páro de pensar, que me acarinha, ou me sacode impaciente, quando encontra meus olhos vazios?
Que estranho sítio é esse que não cessa de gritar-me em silêncio que é tempo de acordar?

Meet your shadow

Our shadow is any part or ourselves, any energy within us, or any aspect of our being or personalities that we have not recognized, embraced, and expressed as a natural part of our daily lives. Like our shadow on a sunny day, it follow us wherever we go. It cnnot be gotten rid of by ignoring it or by wishing it would go away. It is truly a part of us that desires our love and acceptance, that follows us around until we notice it and deal with it.
Your shadow is made up of whatever natural energies you have repressed or disowned. Energies that have been held down for a long time build up a lot of unexpressed power that can feel very frightening to confront. In essence, though, they are all natural and necessary energies that we need in order to live our lives successfully. To gain access to these energies we must find a way to begin getting acquainted with our shadow inside.